
Darjeeling and Assam as well as Dooars, Sikkim and Nilgiri are today's most well-known teas in India.
With a production quantity of 1.39 million tons India is, after China, considered to be the second largest tea producer worldwide.
One of the most important growing regions is Darjeeling. Its tea plantations are located at the southern hillside of the Himalayan mountains at a height of 600 to 2.000 metres. Darjeeling – seen as the champagne among the teas – is especially appreciated for its delicate and flowery flavour. The tea is produced by using the orthodox method only. For Darjeeling connoiseurs the harvest season is of great importance.
Darjeeling teas in our product range are e.g.:
- First Flush
- Inbetween
- Second Flush
- Autumnal

Assam teas are predominantly produced by using the CTC method. The leaves appearing to be small balls are often used in classic broken tea blends and for tea bags. The orthodox teas are valued for their orange-golden tipps.
The federal state of Assam is located in the north-east of India and is the largest joined tea growing area worldwide. North and south of the river Brahmaputra the tea fields stretch as far as the eyes can see. The tropical climate, very high temperatures and high humidity provide ideal growing conditions for the tea plants from whose leaves the strong and malty Assam teas are being produced.
Similarly to Darjeeling, Assam teas are categorised by their production period. The focus here is on the summer production, the second flush.
Assam teas in our product range are e.g.:
- First Flush Assam
- Second Flush Assam

Known tea growing areas in Nilgiri, Sikkim, Dooars and Terai

Also much appreciated are Indian teas from tea growing areas located in the east of the country like Sikkim, Terai and Dooars as well as the growing area Nilgiri in the south.
- Sikkim
- Terai
- Dooars
- Nilgiri
The small former Kingdom is located north of Darjeeling. There the teas are produced in one tea garden only named ‚Temi‘.
Nilgiri-Mountais translated means ‚Blue Mountains‘. This mountain range is located in the Southern federal state of Tamil Nadu where this tea growing area lies. Similarly to Darjeeling the teas here are grown on an elevation of 800 up to 2000 metres above sea level.
South of Darjeeling, at the foot of the Himalaya this tea growing area streches from an elevation of 300 up to 800 metres.
This tea region is based between Darjeeling, Terai and Assam. Geographically as well as in their taste these teas lie inbetween Darjeeling and Assam. Depending on the time of harvest the taste varies from light, flowery to strong. One of the most well-known tea gardens is Puthajhora. Black and green teas as well as CTC and orthodox teas are being procuded on the estate.