
Known tea growing areas in Japan

The tea production predominantly takes place in the southern part of this island whereas the focus is soley on the green tea production.

Charactaristic for the Japanese green teas is the special production method where the fresh green leaves are steamed before the actual production process takes place.  As a result the tea has a fresh, slightly sweet, grassy note and a greenish, yellowish cup colour.

The percentage of the black tea production in Japan is less than 1%. Therefore Japanese black tea is accounted for as a speciality with a for a black tea unusual sweet taste.

Of the approximately 80.000 tons of tea made in Japan only about 2% are destined for export. This goes to show the high popularity of Japanese tea in its home country.

Presently Japanese tea enjoys a great popularity and could therefore be valued as a trendy product.

Japanese teas in our product range are e.g.: